The Way is a powerful, 3-lesson, work-at-your-own-pace online course. Guided by spiritual lessons, this course will show you grounded, concrete steps to help you find your way. You will receive inspiration, motivation and tools that can propel your life forward. If you are feeling called to grow, activate your path and empower yourself to walk towards your dreams, you are exactly where you should be! Welcome to The Way.

This course is right for you if...

  • You are ready to start, ignite or super charge your spiritual path.

  • You are looking for your purpose.

  • You want more for your life but don't know what that is or how to get there.

  • You are stuck and can't find the way forward.

  • You want to make your dreams a reality.

  • You are ready to be inspired and find your way!

THE WAY Curriculum

Three Lessons

  1. Welcome

  2. Lesson One: Power Source

  3. Lesson One: Power Source Solutions

  4. Lesson Two: Vision

  5. Lesson Two: Vision Solutions

  6. Lesson Three: The Match

About this course

  • $444.00
  • 3.5 hours of video content
  • 3 lessons
  • 24 videos

After taking this course you will...

  • Have spiritual concepts that can ground and propel your life forward.

  • Have an understanding of the things that are blocking your path and solutions that can unblock them.

  • Have visualizations that you can use for the rest of your life.

  • Have a road map for visualizing your purpose and dreams .

  • Have grounded tools to gain clarity on how to show up for your dreams.

About Erika

Erika Gabriel

Spiritual Medium, Spiritual Teacher, Wayfinder

Erika Gabriel is a professional Spiritual Medium, Spiritual Teacher and Wayfinder with more than 15 years of experience helping people find purpose, direction and clarity in life. Her mission is to spiritually empower as many people as possible by teaching them how to unlock their own incredible potential. Erika has performed thousands of live readings and appeared in The New York Times, Forbes, Goop and InStyle, in addition to hosting the popular podcast “You Are Not Alone.” Erika lives in Pennsylvania with her husband and two children.

Pricing Options

Purchase this course with a one-time payment or break it up into three installments. Please note if you choose the payment plan, the remaining payments will be automatically charged monthly over the following two months based on your initial date of purchase.